Selasa, 14 April 2009

Why a baby was crying?

Baby Crying. Baby Crying is a way to communicate with their parents.If you pay attention about baby crying, you will understand what is the mind of it. Many reason make ababy was cry :

1.Change the pampers: Baby also feel uncomforted whit his body temperature. May be wet or may be feeling dirty. Usually the baby crying is ascending loudly and more. While we change the pampers, usually the baby stop crying.

2.Hungry, while the baby feels hungry, they will cry. The gave a similar crying as the fist reason. Usually after 1 – 2 hours after drinking some milk, your baby will cry, because the baby feels hungry again. So you must chek again when the last time you gave some milk to your baby.

3.Tired. Some baby feel not home with a new environment, than they will cry because feel tired. We can understand when the baby rubbing his eyes or ears, the baby usually feels tired. It is time to sleep the baby.

4.Cold. While you look your baby feel cold. Gave him a blanket, until the baby feel good again.

5.Need a hold. The baby feel hapy to see his parents faces, hear some sound, to hear heart spacing, to smell the mother odors. Especially the smelt of milk of his mother. The baby very hapy in the parent holding, especially after bathing or changing his pampers. Your baby will get a sleep in your holding.

6.Boring. They baby sometime feel boring. So spent your time to have walking with your baby. Or let you show a new tool player games that have an attention from your baby.

7.Sick or feel suffering. Usually a loudly baby crying is an expression of sick or suffering. Just take a look a while, maybe there is a tiny insect like ants, maybe there is a biting of.

I have written down some reason why your baby gets crying. It is derived from much literature. But the baby crying is a normal way, because crying is a communication way for a baby. (written by Aji and Joe)

Senin, 13 April 2009

Some tips to select a baby name

I will give you some tips to make you easy find a baby names. Sometime it will make you confusing. Don’t forget! Before you gave a name for your baby, let you discuss with your couple first. In order to make a conclusion both of you wife and husband.

Some tips :
1. a baby name should be beautiful, easy to remember, easy listening. It will make your babies name faster to be remembering. Maybe in future, your babies will be a popular Wherever and whenever he is,

2. Unique name but easy listening. So you will give a different and specific name to your baby.

3. A baby name should have a good and positif meaning. The baby name is be your hope in the future.

4. A baby name should have a sexual identification. So people can make a difference that your baby is a boy or a girl name.

5.Let you make some second opinion, What is your baby names is good or not. But you must be adecision maker.

Some tips above are my original ideas. I hope it will help you. You are a decision make to give your baby names. What is a name? Whatever a baby name if you give to with love, caring, educate etc. I am sure your baby will be good children and you will proud to yours. ( written : joe and ajie )

How to give a baby name

While have a baby, Parents usually going in doubt to think about their baby name. Which better name for their baby? It is an important thing, because a name will be a label for their children ages. Belief it or not, a name will express the baby character. So….it will be better for you if you think more and make a selection for your baby name.

Sometime we have difficulties to find out a baby name. Which one to be the best name. I am recommending you how to find out a baby name for you. I hope it will be your inspiration.

There are some website you can browse as below. They will gift you some alternative about babies name.

In All website above , you can find a name following some index as alphabetical, country, sex, what is a name mind?, popular name, celebrities name, and other variation and alternative names, etc.

If it is not help you. You can buy some book that content about baby’s name. I am sure while you have tried the above ways, you will have inspiration now and you will have the best name for your babies.

Once more at the last name of your babies, it is better put your name also. It will be a proud for you. (written by Aji and Joe)

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